Our Services

Professional Firefighters Association of South Florida


The Professional Firefighters Association of South Florida (PFASF), Inc. 501(c)3, is a fire association representing all elements of the fire service and public safety. The PFASF is committed to building a strong network of public servants to serve South Florida through community outreach, mentorship and professional development. We believe that commitment, training and education are key components to the success of future professionals.

Progressive Firefighters Association of Miami Dade Charities


The objectives and purposes of the Association are to promote the spirit of fellowship amongst its members, to organize and encourage activities, which enhance the Fire/Rescue Service image and to provide community and departmental interaction through social, civic and service functions and actions.

Professional Black Firefighters Association of Miami


The City of Miami has a long history of service by Black Firefighters.   Black Fire-fighters, aware of the increasing complexity of our problems and those of our brothers and sisters in our community feel called upon to form an organization for the purpose of studying and solving such problems;